Lansdowne Surgery

About the surgery

Lansdowne Surgery is tucked away in a quiet corner of Devizes, just a short walk from the town centre if you head north out of town. Our clinical rooms are all on the lower floor making it easily accessible for those with impaired mobility.

We look after for nearly 7,000 patients in a friendly, caring environment with a fantastic team who have a wealth of experience.

We have 3 GP partners and a salaried GP who offer a named GP service to provide continuity of care and we are also lucky enough to have an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, 2 Physician Associate’s and a Pharmacist in our clinical team.


There is disabled parking at the surgery along with a small number of patient parking spaces. We have facilities for baby changing, a loop system for the hearing impaired and full wheelchair access.

To make an appointment:

Appointments: 01380 722278

Out-of-hours: 111


Lansdowne Surgery,
Waiblingen Way,
Devizes SN10 2BU

Phone lines are open 08:00-12:30 / 13:30-18:30

Emergencies: 01380 722135 (Between 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm)

Opening hours

Monday 8:00 to 18:30

Tuesday 8:00 to 18:30

Wednesday 8:00 to 18:30

Thursday 8:00 to 18:30

Friday 8:00 to 18:30

Weekend: Closed all day

For more information, see below.


GP Research

Active Studies


Newly registered patients are asked to fill in a health questionnaire, and supply details of regular repeat prescriptions if applicable. It does take some time for your old records to arrive at the surgery and it helps us provide better care for you during this time if we have some background information.

You will be registered with an individual doctor as the practice runs personal lists. If your doctor is away you will be offered an appointment with the duty doctor or a locum. If you wish to see a particular partner for a certain medical condition, please ask the receptionists who will try where possible to accommodate your requirements

Our staff team


GP Partners

Dr Charles Cowen (m)

Surgery hours : Mon, Tues, Weds, Friday

Dr Nicholas Swale (m)

Surgery Hours: Mon, Weds, Friday

Dr Tara Weaver (f)

Surgery Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Dr Robert Springthorpe (m)



Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Ms Alison Hale (f)

Physicians Associate

Cerys Parry


Mr Eric Rutanga (m)

Surgery hours Mon, Thurs PM, Friday

Nursing Team

Mrs Clare Garland (f)

Mrs Abigail Brown (f)

Mrs Jo-Ann Johnson (f)

Healthcare assistants

Mrs Sarah Townsend f)

Mrs Denise Fortune (f)

Mrs Barbara Clegg (f)



Operations Manager

Toby Botwright
Our Operations Manager will be able to help you with any non-medical and administrative matters. We realise that sometimes things may not go as well as we would like.
If you think this is happening please contact via the main surgery number; 01380 722939.


Linda Thomas (f)
Medical Secretary

Nicky Barrett (f)
Practice Administrator

Diana Cowen (f)
Administration Supervisor

Reception Team
Beth Holton (f)
Sharon Winter (f)
Carol Goodall (f)
Liz Ferron (f)                                Zoe Bagby (f)                            Sarah Parfitt (f)                                Geraldine Dibben (f)


We have a close liaison with the midwives at Chippenham Hospital and carry out shared antenatal and post-natal care with them. They can be contacted on Chippenham 01249 456467.

Attached staff

Emergency Care Practitioner - Kate does emergency home visits for the practice

There is a Health Visitor based at Devizes Community Hospital who advises on all age groups, but especially the under 5's. She can be contacted on 01380 732565.

Older Care Team

Victoria Higginson and Sadie Cowen are the Care Coordinators working for the Devizes Group of Practices. They work with your own GP Surgery, assisting patients in need who are over 65. Their aim is to promote independence, supporting patients (and their carers) in their own homes to fulfil their daily needs.

The Care Coordinator will contribute to care plans for patients and will be a point of contact for patients, carers and their families. Where necessary, they will signpost and liaise with other agencies including the voluntary sector on your behalf.

There may be occasions when the Care Coordinators request to visit you in your own home. Professional identification is worn by the Care Coordinators at all time, and patients do, of course, have the right to refuse any requests for a home visit.

First Contact Practitioners

FCP service:

First Contact Practitioners offer specialist assessment, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment pathways for a range of musculoskeletal health conditions. FCPs are highly trained physiotherapists based in primary care, we have extensive experience in managing musculoskeletal conditions, including: joint pain, soft tissue injuries, arthritis, spinal related pain, nerve pain and post orthopaedic procedures.

We are able to assess, diagnose, organise appropriate investigations, organise pain relief and refer onto secondary care and other specialist services. This enables patients to have faster access to specialist input, reduce need for GP appointments and more appropriate individualised care.

To access this service please contact reception at your GP surgery, they will assess your suitability for the FCP service and book you an appropriate appointment. Our team is based across the PCN, and appointments are available on the same day of booking.

FCP team:

Guy Kingston MCSP, Audrey Mayling MCSP, Helen Shanklin MCSP.

Earnings Disclosure

The average pay for GPs working in Lansdowne Surgery in the last financial year was £103,746 before tax and National Insurance. This is for 1 full time GP and 3 part time GPs who worked in the practice for six months or more.

“NHS England require that the net earnings of doctors engaged in the practice is publicised by 31 March 2023 at the latest. However, it should be noted that the prescribed method of calculating earnings is potentially misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice and should not be used for any judgement about GP earnings, nor to make any comparisons with other practices.”

Friends and family test

The friends and family test is a way of gathering anonymous feedback from you about your recent experience of the practice.

You will have the opportunity to feedback every time you are in the practice, after an appointment or attending for administrative things such as repeat prescription or blood test results.

As a patient registered with the practice you can give feedback after each and every contact if you want to. As a carer or relative you can also give feedback.

Leave us a message

Our locations

    Make an enquiry online using this form and one of our team will be in touch. This form should not be used for urgent enquiries and it may take at least 3 working days for your enquiry to be seen. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by our team.