What is self-referral?

Did you know that there are some free NHS health services you can access without needing an appointment with your GP? This is called self-referral and could help you find the care you need quicker and more easily than going through your surgery. Alternatively please ask at reception for a referral form.

Physio Self-referral

People often refer to this service with conditions that cause pain, stiffness, weakness, pins and needles or other symptoms. These types of problems can result in difficulty with daily tasks, sleep, work, leisure, or sport. Follow the link below for more information.


Podiatry Self-Referral

The Podiatry Service provides a comprehensive range of specialist and general clinical interventions. This includes health education and promotion and the effective triage, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of foot problems. Follow the link below for more information.


Help with Continence Self-Referral

Wiltshire Continence Service provides adult clinical services across Wiltshire.

Their Continence Nurse Specialists and Pelvic Health Physiotherapists provide specialist clinical assessment, advice and treatment plans for patients with bladder, bowl or pelvic floor dysfunction and also continence issues. Follow the link below for more information.


Your Community Connector

What is the service: The Community Connector provides truly personal support for people who may feel a little stuck with an aspect of their lives. They may be frequently attending GP surgeries for a primarily social need. The connector works alongside the individual and helps them to reconnect with their lives using their own strengths and resources and those of their community. The connector works across services, linking in with partner organisations, including drug and alcohol services, housing, social services and third sector groups. We can work with anyone over the age of 18 and do not have an upper age limit.

Who we are: Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living is a charity who have been commissioned by your PCN to employ your Community Connector. This is a preventive service with the aim is to support the people we work with to re-establish their life in their communities and reduce reliance on primary care services.

How to refer: We accept self-referrals or referrals from GP surgeries, supporting services and community groups.

How to find out more: please ring Jan Forsyth on 07816 407769 or email Janice.forsyth@nhs.net.

Wiltshire Talking Therapies Self Referral

Wiltshire Talking Therapies (previously known as IAPT Improving Access To Psychological Therapies). Talking Therapies aims to help people access support for a range of wellbeing problems. They offer individual and group psychological therapies. Please follow the link below for further information and how to self refer.


Healthy Living for people with Type 2 Diabetes

Healthy Living is a free, online NHS programme that supports people to live well with type 2 diabetes. You can register by following this link https://www.healthyliving.nhs.uk/

Women’s Health

To view more about our Women's Health Clinic follow this link https://www.devizespcn.nhs.uk/practice-services/womens-health-clinic/

Warm & Safe Wiltshire

Warm and Safe Wiltshire help residents of Swindon and Wiltshire live in warmer, safer and healthier homes. 

They can provide telephone support and home visits to help people save money on their gas and electricity bills, and to get funding for heating and insulation improvements in their homes. 

They can also refer people to wider support services, for example for debt advice or to make sure you're claiming the benefits you need. 

You can self refer via the following link https://www.warmandsafewiltshire.org.uk/contact

Rethink Mental Illness - Wiltshire Mental Health Inclusion Service

Wiltshire Mental Health Inclusion Service (rethink.org)

The Rethink Mental Illness Wiltshire Mental Health Inclusion Service provides a community mental health service for those in Wiltshire. It is to help support you if you are feeling isolated or lonely due to your mental health and create opportunities of growth to access your local community. The service is jointly funded by Wiltshire Council and the Wiltshire Commissioning Group.

Telephone – 07467 764171

Email Address – WiltsMHIS@rethink.org

Mind Wiltshire

Wiltshire Mind - here for you

We are an independent charity supporting people in Wiltshire who are experiencing mental health problems or emotional distress.
Telephone – 01225 706532
Email Address – office@wiltshiremind.co.uk

Counselling and Peer Support Groups, Wiltshire Mind

Adult Social Care

Adult Care Referral (wiltshire.gov.uk)

You can complete the self referral form if you think you might need support, information or an assessment from the Council. A self referral is a simple form where you can tell us a little about yourself and what you might need support with. On receipt of the referral we will contact you to have a conversation with you about things you might be able to do to help yourself or to arrange an assessment.

Telephone – 0300 456 0111

Email Address – adviceandcontact@wiltshire.gov.uk

Alzheimer’s Support

Carers Together Wiltshire

Age UK Wiltshire | Carers Together Wiltshire

We will work together with our partnership organisations to provide support to individuals providing informal unpaid care to another person through a range of support services.

We can provide activities, respite, advice, counselling, coaching, training and support (including peer-support) for carers.

We are here to support you, offer a listening ear and practical help and support.

Telephone – 01380 710300

Email Address – enquiries@carerstogetherwiltshire.org.uk

Carer Support Wiltshire

Contact CSW | Carer Support Wiltshire

Carer Support Wiltshire support carers in a variety of ways including the following:

  • Carer cafes providing peer support - visit carersupportwiltshire.co.uk/whats-onfor more information

  • Here to Talk – our telephone befriending service

  • Family activities and support

  • Carer wellbeing workshops: Essential guide for carers

  • Bereavement Help Points in partnership with Dorothy House and Prospect Hospice

  • Access to grants from the Carers Trust

  • Distribution of the dementia wristbands

  • Information and signposting

  • GP carer-friendly award

  • Hospital carer-friendly award

Telephone – 08001814118

Email Address – admin@carersupportwiltshire.co.uk

Age UK

Contact Us | Age UK Wiltshire

Advice Enquiry Form (office.com)

Age UK deliver a range of services to help keep you informed, remaining independent and staying involved through your later life:

· Fitness & Friendship

· Wellbeing Checks with Meals

· Telephone Befriending

Devizes Library

Home library service - Wiltshire Council

The Home Library Service is for Wiltshire residents who want to read or listen to books and audio items but are unable to visit the library and have no-one to collect items on their behalf.

Telephone – 01380 826190

Email Address – libraryenquiries@wiltshire.gov.uk to request an application form

The Mind Tree Cafe

We are an independent (not for profit) social enterprise, supporting people in Wiltshire with wellbeing. We offer low cost counselling and other wellbeing activities. Please contact us if you feel you would benefit from our services.

Email - enquiries@themindtreecafe.org

Find us on facebook, Instagram or our website - https://themindtreecafe.org